Can oral health problems affect speech?

Written by Charan
Last updated
Yes, oral health problems can affect speech. The teeth, tongue, lips, and other structures in the mouth play important roles in producing clear speech sounds. Any issues with these structures can impact speech clarity and pronunciation.
Here are some oral health problems that can affect speech:
- Tooth Loss: Missing teeth can affect speech, particularly the pronunciation of certain sounds. The teeth help to control airflow and tongue placement during speech production.
- Misaligned Teeth: Teeth that are misaligned or have irregular spacing can interfere with the proper placement of the tongue and affect speech clarity.
- Tongue Tie: Tongue tie, or ankyloglossia, is a condition in which the tongue is attached to the floor of the mouth by a tight band of tissue. This can restrict the movement of the tongue and impact speech.
- Denture Problems: Ill-fitting dentures or other dental prosthetics can affect speech by interfering with tongue movement or causing slurring of words.
- Oral Lesions or Infections: Painful oral lesions or infections can affect speech by causing discomfort or difficulty in moving the tongue or lips.
Addressing oral health problems and seeking appropriate dental treatments can help improve speech clarity. Dental professionals, such as speech-language pathologists and dentists, can provide guidance and interventions to address speech difficulties related to oral health issues.