Can I drink alcohol after oral surgery?

Written by Charan
Last updated
It's best to avoid drinking alcohol after oral surgery, particularly in the immediate post-operative period. Alcohol can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications.
Alcohol consumption can impair the body's natural healing mechanisms, slow down the recovery process, and increase the risk of bleeding. It can also interact with pain medications or antibiotics prescribed after the surgery, leading to adverse effects.
It's important to follow the oral surgeon's instructions regarding alcohol consumption after oral surgery. They will provide guidance on when it's safe to consume alcohol based on the specific procedure and the individual's healing progress.
In general, it's best to wait until the surgical site has healed, and the oral surgeon has given clearance before consuming alcohol. It's also important to remember that alcohol can have dehydrating effects, so staying hydrated with water or other non-alcoholic beverages is crucial for optimal healing.