Can I brush my teeth after oral surgery?

Written by Charan
Last updated
After oral surgery, it's important to follow the oral surgeon's instructions regarding oral hygiene routines. In most cases, gentle oral hygiene practices can be resumed soon after the surgery.
On the day of the surgery, it's generally recommended to avoid brushing the surgical area to prevent disruption of any blood clots or sutures. However, brushing the rest of the teeth can usually be done carefully to maintain oral hygiene.
In the following days, as the surgical site begins to heal, the oral surgeon may provide specific instructions for gently cleaning the area. This may involve using a special mouth rinse, gently swabbing the area with a gauze pad, or using a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean around the site.
It's important to avoid vigorous rinsing or spitting, as this can dislodge blood clots and slow down the healing process. Following the surgeon's instructions and maintaining good oral hygiene practices are essential for a smooth recovery.